Medical Schools

December 15, 2022

In this section we’ll focus on the types of questions you may be asked about the medical school itself and how to approach answering them. You’ll also find information about the individual medical schools and their interview process.

Questions about the medical school present you with an opportunity to demonstrate your enthusiasm for the university and the course you hope to join. It’s imperative that when faced with these types of questions that you’re able to answer them well and show a genuine interest in the medical school and the course. 

It goes without saying that medical schools want to offer places to applicants who are passionate and knowledgeable about where they have chosen to study. The key to answering these questions and demonstrating a considered approach to your application is researching your chosen medical school well. This section will show you the types of questions you may be asked and, therefore, areas which you may need to research further about your chosen medical school/s.